When Andrew Courtillet from Rugged Care contacted me to represent his innovative products for their website I was anxious to jump right into the project because I know this is an under-served segment of the outdoor world.
When out in the woods, often you’re many, many miles from the nearest human assistance and certainly many more miles from the nearest medical facility. If something happens in the middle of nowhere you must use what is available to minimize your risk of further medical complications, infections and heaven forbid, any toxic reaction to those wild things encountered on your journey! Andrew’s products are more than just a bag of band-aids. All of these kits come with medical expertise to back them up.
Not only was I impressed with the thorough attention to detail in the product’s design but the well-planned item inventory inside these kits.
Everything an outdoors-man would need for every day medical needs was there; from Steri-Strips for cuts to bee sting remedies. From tick removal tweezers to burn dressings and aspirin was there for any minor emergency. Even a Glow Stick in case you get lost after dark; antacid packets, laxatives, Ace bandages, surgical gloves, safety pins, a tourniquet and even forceps are included in the best kit.
As you may see this was a challenging table-top set to create. Particularly when you have the prerequisite that viewers have the ability to see and read most of the labels on each product represented in the shot. I relished this challenge.
I not only enjoyed the photo shoot (especially the creative shot I conceived for the logo patch on a thorny vine in my back yard) but I particularly hit it off with Andrew, who’s intelligence and experience go way beyond simply supplying first-aid products. He is a licensed surveyor by profession but is also an avid outdoors-man himself as well as an avid fisherman with a wealth of experience in outdoor sports and activities.
We made an immediate connection on a professional level and I know Andrew will be back for photo ideas on his next great product for the benefit of all active nature-lovers out there! Take a look at his website by simply searching ‘rugged care first aid’ in your browser. All images on the website were taken in my studio on Cedar Avenue, 5 minutes from downtown Scranton.