In this current situation, everyone is communicating remotely and churches are no exception. If you are in need of a camera operator for media streaming of your mass, ceremonies, messages to the faithful or any other parish-related event I would like to help.
Contact me at 570.343.2660 or the contact form on this website from now through April 30th and if I have no other obligations for that time period I will provide my services individually to your religious organization at no charge for up to 90 minutes. I will observe all the necessary social distancing and other recommendations during the shoot.
There will be no statements issued and this service is yours for the asking with no strings attached. I just want to help people stay in touch with their faith during this current crisis. This offer is for the camera feed to your streaming device OR I can simply operate your device even if it’s a cel phone so you can devote your effort to the spiritual needs of your congregation.
Because the situation changes daily this offer is subject to any prohibitions which may be placed upon the business community and is subject to change or be rescinded without notice. NO COMMERCIAL ENTITIES or FUND-RAISING events, please.
Contact me today, stay healthy and keep the faith!