Erin And Todd’s May Wedding

Seldom do all the planets align and everything from the weather to the happy spirits of the guests combine to create such a perfect wedding atmosphere that it actually can be described as the ‘perfect wedding’. Our friends and fellow parishioners at St. Paul of the Cross; Erin and Todd had just such a wedding!

Bide and groom with Antique Car Even though the weather forecast called for afternoon rain showers the sun beamed brightly most of the day and we had ample opportunities for awesome images. Erin had everything planned perfectly down to the antique style limo which went perfectly with their elegant vintage look.

Intimate Bridal PortraitDramatic Church Wedding Image

Tender moments combined with the jovial banter of the bridal party to lighten the atmosphere to provide Joan and me with excellent photographic opportunities; some of which are shown here but more can be seen on my client gallery as well as later on in the website.

Intimate Bride and Groom Portrait  I can honestly say that we all made new friends and strengthened existing  friendships that day. Erin and Todd were so cooperative and accommodating for every shot it was a pleasure working for them and their families.

May all their days be as happy for the rest of their life together.

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