The third week in August was an eventful and extremely busy time for both Joan and me. While it was a busy assignment week, Joan had the doubly happy occasion of two beautiful twin baby boys being brought into her family! These little guys were all the incentive we needed to go all out with a full afternoon of prop decorating, shooting and baby posing to the hilt!
There aren’t many opportunities in a photographer’s career when twin newborns show up and this was admittedly my first in 42 years not to mention it being a first in Joan’s immediate family to generate that kind of excitement. So as you can imagine we had plenty of onlookers and more than enough assistants on hand for whatever the little ones required.
Not only were the twins perfect in every feature (as all babies always are) but they were perfectly cooperative with all of Joan’s creative prop ideas, my careful lighting and thoughtful composition. With only one short break for a bit of nourishment they stayed right with us on every pose; of course the modeling requirements are not that demanding to simply look cute and sleep! If only we could all have it that good!
There is just something awe-inspiring and serene about being that close to such a miracle of God’s hand; unspoiled and as close to a heavenly creation as a mere mortal can be; with nothing but hope for their future ahead.
We were exhausted by the end of the session but it was a ‘good kind of tired’ All-in-all it was a very rewarding and productive artistic endeavor we will never forget. Enjoy the gallery.